Personal Injury Attorneys and Legal Assistance

Fighting For Your Physical & Psychological Injury Case

Scot M. Ludwig & Associates provides legal services to those who have been injured, physically or psychologically, as a result of the negligence of another person, company, government agency or any entity. Examples of common personal injury claims include injuries from slip and fall accidents, traffic collisions, defective products, workplace injuries and professional malpractice.

Personal injury may include:

  • Car accidents

  • Slip & fall cases

  • Medical or legal malpractice

  • Defamation

Experiencing personal injuries can be a frustrating experience, especially when taking legal action. Scot M. Ludwig & Associates is here to ease the process and provide top-quality legal representation in personal injury cases.

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What does Personal Injury Entail?

Personal injury is a standard litigation process that pursues client compensation for injuries and accidents. If you have been injured and decide to pursue legal action, you can first consult with an attorney to discuss specific circumstances around the case and decide the best course of action. After consultation, your claim will be investigated by your attorney. This investigation can include police reports, witness testimony, medical records and bills, and more. Once the investigation is thoroughly pursued, the demand package is formulated. This is a letter that details the injury/loss that occurred and will demand some form of compensation. This letter can be accepted or rejected by the defendant. A lawsuit may be filed at this point if necessary. In the event mediation is necessary we will vigorously pursue your position.

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